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    Ferret Bites

    , May 29, 2021 WIB Last Updated 2021-05-29T21:43:54Z
    Ferret Bites. There are 3 types of Ferret food:
    1. 'I'm scared' bite.
    2. 'Stress' bites.
    3. The 'Let's Play' bite.

    Let's start with the Ferret 'I'm Afraid' bite.

    Most humans react differently when they are afraid, depending on human personality.

    Some of the humans ran away, crying all the time.

    the equivalent applies to Ferret.

    Ferret Bites
    When afraid that some Weasels will run away, others will scream (if you haven't heard Ferret's scream, then be thankful you've managed to keep your eardrums in place!) And then we have The Bite! 'I am afraid' bites are the most painful because they are meant to be destructive.

    Some even bled their owner's hands… they didn't just bite, they wouldn't let go! This hurts.

    'I'm scared' bites usually occur when Ferret is out of his comfort zone.

    For example, when you first brought a new house.

    Another example of this type of bite is when a stranger handles it.

    If Ferret is just your handle ...

    Then it's not good for someone else to do it (this also depends on Ferret).

    A 'stress' bite is a human fault. Weasels are extremely intelligent creatures and they will take advantage of anything ... Even YOU ... if allowed.

    So, let's start educating Ferret that hand biting is no good.

    Don't let your Ferret get depressed or bored.

    Weasels do not naturally stay in animal cages if they are strung for too long, a biting habit will develop.

    Did you let him out of the cage long enough? Are there enough children's games to play? Are you playing games with him? Do you change the environment and make it interesting? Weasels are very intelligent animals and if you want to keep one or a few as companions ...

    Then you better make sure you can give them the mental boost they need. If not, you might end up getting The Bite!

    Now let's talk about the most common types of bite ... 'Let's Play!' Bite.

    Have you ever sat and watched Ferret with his partner or overplay each other? If so, you may have noticed that they always look like they are hurting each other! I don't know about you, sometimes I get anxious when I see how rude they are to each other! They fight, bite, stab, thrash, scream, pull, and then try to run away when they see someone else coming at them.

    So tell me ... do you know why they are a little rough when they play? That's how they play!

    Even ferrets must think that we are the biggest crying babies when we tell them to bite!

    They just assume that we are as strong as them and don't understand why we can't bite them anyway.

    However, we still have the opportunity to teach Ferret not to practice biting people.

    First of all, don't let Ferret go after biting you (or he will think fine).

    There are various methods you can use. Start soft and if they don't hear the word, use another method.

    But first, when punishing your Ferret, MAKE SURE it isn't too harsh.

    You have to understand that they know nothing and it is YOUR responsibility to teach them not to.

    It's short and to the point and DON'T go overboard ... you could really hurt your Ferret!

    1. Always start with the word "DON'T!" or "NO!" or "hiss" (sound effects). Ferrets hiss at each other when they are angry or upset at something, make sure you raise your voice loud enough for them to remind.
    2. Try blowing towards Ferret's face. Many people do not use this method. I think Ferret probably thinks of it as a game ...
    3. The bitter stock of sprays where they bite you. So that they taste bitter after a bite! They will think twice before doing so again ...
    4. You can spray water on their faces. They’ll probably jump in by surprise ... and beware some of them actually like it, especially on hot days!
    5. Scruffing or holding the back of the Ferret's neck !! This is a favorite method of the people. I found the scruffing method along with a strong “NO” !! or hissing is very effective and efficient.

      If the gentle method doesn’t work, then you can try scruffing them with the skin on the back of their neck and shaking them lightly.
    6. Isolate the Ferret that has been a biting. Either put them in their cages or lock them in a safe room and give them some time out of time to think about their biting behavior.

      This is another very successful technique! Through experience, when one of them bites ... we “throw” them into that ‘pet carrier’.

      This way, they can think about their behavior while looking at other Ferrets and all the fun they have lost.

      If you combine this with a little spray of water on their face for every time they bite, “Scruffing” and NO dental is loud and hard! or hiss (to be an immediate response).

    If a Ferret clings to you cruelly, causing a painful bite and drawing blood, what steps should be taken?

    For more extreme cases, where the Ferret draws blood and doesn’t release ... here’s what you can do (these rules can be seen as cruel ... and I agree ... so don’t abuse them! ).

    Please be careful and do not overdo it, always be in control of your emotions!

    Try flicking them on the nose using your thumb and pointing to the finger or middle finger.

    Don’t do it too hard, just enough for them to let go (I find this a very successful method of making them let go of the bite).

    Unleashes an extremely extreme Ferret bite

    If this doesn't work, try sticking your finger in Ferret's mouth and causing them to choke.

    DON'T stick your finger too far down ... you have no idea what's below!

    With very difficult cases, I found that the snap of the nose was enough for them to release.

    Please be careful using this method and DO NOT bite your Ferret...you could lose your nose!

    To avoid this situation, always make sure you deal with Weasels often and socialize them not only with other Weasels but also with other humans ... otherwise, your friends will become victims and will start spreading rumors that Weasels are evil ... we've all heard some stories before, right ?!

    Well-trained ferrets don't have to bite brutally ... they may still try to bite a little while playing while in a frenzy of passion, but an emphatic 'NO!' They will look at you with their innocent eyes and say, "Sorry I completely forgot that you were human!" And they played well again.

    When buying a new Ferret, make sure that it is from a reliable breeder (or the Ferret Welfare Association - they will allocate the Ferret accordingly) as some Ferret biting behavior comes in the form of a genetic predisposition.

    This means that some ferrets will be naturally more agile.

    Just get in line with your training method and it will diminish.

    Let's prove that the Weasel doesn't bite as much as they think.

    Let's educate our Fuzzes and show all dogs and cats that Ferret is better than them!

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